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We will be posting up to date news and events of what's happening with our different ministries, prayer requests and praise reports. So click the follow button to join our new blog. We hope to add the mobile feature soon so you will be able to view the posts on your phone or other mobile devices. Check back daily to see what changes we've added and get the latest new.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Prayer Request Dec. 20, 2011

"Behold I bring you news of great Joy ……" May the news of Christ's birth bring joy to you and your family this Christmas season.
      Irv's sister Jean is in the hospital, chest pain. Pray for God's healing
      Regina  has health problems
      Kelsee has stomach problems  
Pray for those who are in recovery. This time of year seams to be a little bit harder than others. Pray that God will keep them strong.
      Cheryl and Justin renew their commitment with Christ.
Parental Guidance
      Bailey's  mom and dad are having  marriage problems. Pray that God would intervene.

…… for unto you is born this day a savior Christ the Lord."

Friday, December 16, 2011

Prayer Request Dec. 16, 2011

Prayer Request December 15, 2011
Praise Report
      Allen is showing progress as we lift him before the Lord. Prayer is working
      Shelley would like to thank God for blessing He has given to her family Healing
      Cheryl throat cancer
      Ken, Marla, Robert, battling cancer.
      Mary has cancer, pray for healing and her husband and two children.
      Susan batting asthma and cold
      Jan needs healing
      Pat needs a touch from Jesus
      Erika healing in her eyes
      Debbie and weight loss
      Maria abstraction of the liver
      Dale healing of his kidneys
      Teresa heart valve
      Steven healed of bi-polar

Family Blessings
      Dawn would like us to pray God's blessing for her and her family for 2012 Deliverance
      An unnamed family request prayer for their children to be delivered from drugs.
      Jennifer deliverance from witchcraft.
      Loved ones to know the Lord
      Albert would like us to pray for his co-workers to know Jesus
      Inga needs the Lord
      Rodolfo needs to commit his life to Jesus

      Lisa would like prayer for her work environment
      Michael needs to find employment

      Jeff and Laura and their new apartment   

Friday, November 18, 2011

Focus 40 - Day 40

Psalm 150
A Time to Worship
Praise ye the LORD. Praise God in his sanctuary:
     praise him in the firmament of his power.
Praise him for his mighty acts:
     praise him according to his excellent greatness.
Praise him with the sound of the trumpet:
     praise him with the psaltery and harp.
Praise him with the timbrel and dance:
     praise him with stringed instruments and organs.
Praise him upon the loud cymbals:
     praise him upon the high sounding cymbals.
Let every thing that hath breath praise the LORD.
Praise ye the LORD.

When God’s people pray great things begin to happen.
We have seen great things happen during our time of prayer and fasting: 

Employment has been restored or new employment found.
Health has been restored to those who are sick and diseased bodies have been brought into alignment of God’s word.
Restoration of marriage:  Couples who have been struggling in their marriages they have been restored.
Deliverance from addictions: Those who were addicted to alcohol and drugs have been delivered.

It’s time to praise the Lord in His sanctuary, It’s time to praise the Lord and sound trumpets, It’s time to dance before Him, It’s time to sound the cymbals,  It’s time for all who have breath to PRAISE THE LORD.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Focus 40 - Day 39

Malachi 3:3 
He will sit as a refiner and a purifier of silver;
      He will purify the sons of Levi,
      And purge them as gold and silver,
      That they may offer to the LORD
      An offering in righteousness.

Precious metals in their raw form are not pure. When you’re out mining for gold it’s not bright and shiny as seen on TV Westerns. Gold has no luster until it has been refined. Silver the same as gold looks like an undesirable rock in its raw form. Purifying gold, brings gold its value.  Placing gold in a furnace, reducing it to a liquid form; removing its impurities, brings gold its value. You know gold is pure when you look at it and you can see your face.
As it was with the sons of Levi, so it is with us, God’s desire is to purify us to remove the impurities of our lives. That can only happen when we submit ourselves to the refining power of the Holy Spirit. Today when your life gets a little heated, and the gold begins to be refined, will others see the cloudy face of your reflection, or will they see the face of Jesus shining through you.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

More Prayer Requests

Sandra - age 51, battling an extremely rare heart sarcoma (cancer). She has had 4 rounds of chemotherapy and has now started radiation.

Ross Nath - he was beaten in the face while he slept at an Alzheimer's Home by a disoriented resident. Please pray for his recovery and future safety.

Thank you for your faithfulness.  God Bless You!

Prayer Requests

“And he said unto them, Cast the net on the right side of the ship, and ye shall find. They cast therefore, and now they were not able to draw it for the multitude of fishes” John 21:6

When we are obedient to the Word, God is faithful to provide, whatever our need maybe.

Today’s Prayer Request




Automobile Repairs

Financial Need

Unspoken  Requests


Focus 40 - Day 38

Isaiah 22:23
A Nail Fastened in a Sure Place
“And I will fasten him as a nail in a sure place; and he shall be for a glorious throne to his father's house.”

   What a unique description of our Lord, as “a nail in a sure place”. Understanding this name takes us back to ancient days when the custom was to bring war trophies into the temple. It was there they were to be hung for display on a peg fixed in the temple walls. The reason for this custom was clear;
1.  The trophies were mostly valuable, made of precious metals or stones.
2.  They reminded those who entered of the faithfulness of God.

The scripture declares: “I will fasten Him as a peg in a secure place”. To paraphrase this “I will make Him as a secure support for every trophies of victory, brought into the house of the living God.” How exciting, how thrilling to know that the enemy will be overthrown, and with that our experiences will be brought into the house of God, and will be hung as a testimony of victory to God. Our lives as we gather together on Sunday will be a testimony of the power of God.
Kings entered the temple to fasten a peg to a secure place. Jesus, through His death, resurrection, and ascension, has entered into the Most Holy Place once and for all, having obtained eternal redemption…… Heb 9:12-15. Christ has secured the promise of God’s grace, forgiveness, and power toward us. He has entered the temple of God and fastened these provisions with a steadfast nail. And that nail is His own life and blood, two realities that remain changeless, unshakable, unmovable, infallible, testimonies of His triumph.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Focus 40 - Day 37

1 Corinthians 15:45
A Quickening Spirit
And so it is written, “The first man Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam was made a quickening spirit”.

Our Savior is a quickening spirit-a revitalizing, breath of life giving “resuscitator” of weary souls. When your spiritual breath rate seems too heavy and the pace impossible, it’s probably a sign that you’re functioning only with Adam’s race, a race whose breath is in its nostrils. What we all need is a “spiritual-breath”, and in Jesus’ name, our Quickening Spiritual, it is available.
To pray in Jesus’ name, our Quickening Spirit, is to stop periodically and take a deep breath of His fresh, supernatural, “life-giving” air. It is to “catch our breath” in His promise: “Those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not faint” Isaiah 40:31. Here’s a promise of spiritual vitality that is linked to waiting upon the Lord. We’re called to slow down in the Lord.