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Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Focus 40 - Day 38

Isaiah 22:23
A Nail Fastened in a Sure Place
“And I will fasten him as a nail in a sure place; and he shall be for a glorious throne to his father's house.”

   What a unique description of our Lord, as “a nail in a sure place”. Understanding this name takes us back to ancient days when the custom was to bring war trophies into the temple. It was there they were to be hung for display on a peg fixed in the temple walls. The reason for this custom was clear;
1.  The trophies were mostly valuable, made of precious metals or stones.
2.  They reminded those who entered of the faithfulness of God.

The scripture declares: “I will fasten Him as a peg in a secure place”. To paraphrase this “I will make Him as a secure support for every trophies of victory, brought into the house of the living God.” How exciting, how thrilling to know that the enemy will be overthrown, and with that our experiences will be brought into the house of God, and will be hung as a testimony of victory to God. Our lives as we gather together on Sunday will be a testimony of the power of God.
Kings entered the temple to fasten a peg to a secure place. Jesus, through His death, resurrection, and ascension, has entered into the Most Holy Place once and for all, having obtained eternal redemption…… Heb 9:12-15. Christ has secured the promise of God’s grace, forgiveness, and power toward us. He has entered the temple of God and fastened these provisions with a steadfast nail. And that nail is His own life and blood, two realities that remain changeless, unshakable, unmovable, infallible, testimonies of His triumph.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for posting the explanation of today's verse. I read it over and over and wasn't quite sure what it was trying to tell me. Now it is perfectly clear and a blessing just like all of the other verses that were given to us in the 40 days of prayer and fasting.

    Thank you for inviting the church to be a part of this prayer project. I know it has been very good for me and my family and I'm sure many others have benefited as well.

    I am so happy that Desert Chapel isn't afraid to hit on the tough subjects, that the pastoral staff encourages prayer, preaches the Message of the Cross and Him crucified, and that we are challenged weekly to learn more, do more and be more as Christians within our homes and community. Thank you Desert Chapel staff for being so much to so many and for leading us daily to the Word of God and His plan for us.
