John 6:35
The Bread of Life.
“And Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on me shall never thirst.”
There are numerous mentions of bread in the Bible that gives us insight into what is means to live daily in Jesus name, the Bread of Life. In Genesis man’s fall is one example. It is explained that because of the curse of sin man would be required to earn his bread or sustenance by the sweat of his brow. (Gen 3:19). But in (Eph 2:8) we are told that Jesus is the Bread of Life, salvation freely given to all. We don’t earn salvation, it is a free gift.
Later in Genesis we read of Joseph’s management of the grain (bread) during Egypt’s famine and his loving kindness for his brethren as the famine reaches them (Gen. 41). We see again in this picture that Jesus is our Sustainer. As the Bread of Life, He is able to sustain us in times of deficiency.
Then once again in the book of John 6 we find an account of Jesus feeding the multitude out of a very limited supply. As the Bread of Life, there are no limitations of circumstances that would disable Jesus from meeting our supply.
Christ refers to Himself ten times in the Gospel of John as the Bread of Life. On one occasion He likens himself as manna from heaven. In looking at the Book of Exodus, the lessons on manna, we discover several unique insights that help us today with making Jesus as our Bead of Life. First, there was a fresh supply daily. Nothing God prepares is stale, He is new every morning. Second, there was a need to gather up a fresh supply each morning. God’s word requires discipline. The children of Israel had to gather up a fresh supply of manna daily. We too need to read from God’s word and gather our fresh spiritual bread.
Finally, each day requires a new supply of divine nourishment. Israel quickly found out that if they gathered for two days other than for the Sabbath the manna would spoil. God is telling us that we cannot live on yesterday’s supply. In the Psalms we read “In the morning, O Lord, you hear my voice, in the morning I lay my requests before you.” (Psalm 5:3)
Tackle today in Jesus name, the Bread of Life, knowing you’ve been nourished by Him, at His table. Prayerfully proclaim that He is your Savior, Sustainer and your Supplier in every area of your life. Above all make it a matter of daily spiritual discipline to nourish yourself alone with Jesus, before you face the demands of another new day.
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