Colossians 1:18
The Head of the Body
And he is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things he might have the preeminence.
God knew the church needed a head. For this reason Christ was given as the Head of the body. He is our supervisor. And being the head, He also is our mind or, to use a colloquial expression, “the brains of the operation.” Christ, in fact, supervised creation itself. Scripture states, “For Him all things were created that in heaven and that on earth” Col. 1:16 .
All of us recognize the need for someone to look after us. It isn’t simply a matter of childhood need, for even honest adults are aware that one never outgrows the need for supervision. So it is can be a very gratifying thing to discover that watchful and authoritative supervision is a distinct function of Christ’s ministry. As scripture states, “He is the head of the body, the church” Col. 1:18.
Because our Lord is ever present, we must recognize that He, the Head of the Body, is always with us no matter where we go. And even though this ever-present “Supervisor” most often stands beside us in silence, He is nonetheless present, available on a moment’s notice to those who would simply acknowledge His nearness.
So, to pray today in Jesus’ name as our Head is to acknowledge Him during our prayer as the supervisor of each task we undertake. Christ alone is the Architect and Builder of our days.
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