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Thursday, October 20, 2011

Focus 40 - Day 11

Psalm 118:22
The Headstone of the Corner
 ”The stone which the builders refused is become the headstone of the corner” Psalm 118:22

Every builder has a plan that guides him to complete the construction of a building or structure.  God too has a plan of completeness, and that plan is complete in the person of Jesus Christ. In Psalm 118:22, Christ is referred to as the headstone of the corner. In the literal biblical meaning the placing of or positioning of, headstone or Chief cornerstone is different than what we do today. In the time of Christ this stone was the last stone placed, accompanied by ceremonies indicating that the building was complete. Today we place the cornerstone at or near ground level. In ancient Israel the headstone or Chief Cornerstone was placed at the very top, high above all others. At times this stone was made out of a different material, or made slightly different than other stones used, so at first glance you would see the completed building and the stone that was so superior than the others.
            The significance of this title, Christ as the “Headstone” brings to the fact that He is the completeness of God working in our lives. There is no need for another. Peter standing before the religious leaders of his day proclaims. “Nor is there salvation in any other, there is no name under heaven given among men by which men must be saved (Acts 4:12). Christ is the completeness of our salvation in our lives.  It also signifies that Christ will complete His work in us. Paul in Col. 2:10 says “You are complete in Him”, so whatever task you are doing, working at  a business, housework, or just taking time-out for relaxation, we are complete in Christ. It is His presence that towers over you, He who calls you, is faithful  (I Thess 5:24).
            So if you have any loose ends lingering, unresolved resentment, strained relationship, pray in the name of Jesus Christ the headstone, the Chief Cornerstone let Him complete His work in your life.  He is the builder of completeness.

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